Huge number of Kashmiri youth turn up to join Indian Army in Kashmir defying Al-Qaeda

Jammu, July 10 (HS): A day after Al-Qaeda chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri released a 14-minute video talking about Kashmir’s liberation and attacking the Indian Army, Kashmiri youth on Wednesday turned up in huge numbers to take part in an Indian Army recruitment drive, according to reports.
The Indian Army’s recruitment campaign started today in Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir where at least 5,500 Kashmiri youth turned up to participate in recruitment drive for the Indian Army.
In the video Zawahiri has called upon Kashmir-based jihadist groups to inflict damage upon the Indian Army and government in order to break the backbone of the Indian economy and make the country suffer losses in manpower and equipment.
However, it came as a big blow to al-Zawahiri’s call as over 5,500 Kashmiri youth turned up for a recruitment drive organised by the Indian Army.