January 11, 2025

Taralabalu Mutt Provides Free Food to 400 People Daily

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Bengaluru,24 May(HS): The Sirigere headquartered Sri Taralabalu Bruhanmutt of Chitradurga district has launched a free service of providing food to 400 people in Bengaluru. All these people are provided with food packets and water bottles every day between 6 to 10 AM.

The Taralabalu Kendra of Sirigere Mutt has started offering such a service for more than Eight days. Keeping the interests of health workers and the relatives who come to hospitals to inquire about the well being of Covid-19 patients and have no canteen or hotel facilities, these services are extended.
Every day about 400 people are benefitted. The Menu keeps changing each day and six people have been engaged to cook the food. A four members team takes the food packets and distributes them to doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, hospital staff and policemen on duty near the hospitals.
These services, a brainchild of Dr Shivamurthy Shivacharya Swamiji, pontiff of the Sirigere Mutt shall continue unabated until the lockdown is lifted, says Bati Vishwanath, Secretary of the Taralabalu Kendra in RT Nagar here.