S.M. Krishna, former Karnataka Chief Minister and External Affairs Minister, passed away on Tuesday in Bengaluru at 92. His death followed months of health challenges due to age-related issues. Krishna breathed his last at 2:30 a.m. at his residence. A towering figure in Indian politics, his career spanned six decades, leaving an indelible mark on Karnataka and the nation.
After completing his education in the United States as a Fulbright Scholar, Krishna entered Karnataka politics, winning his first election soon after returning. As Chief Minister from 1999 to 2004, he prioritized Bengaluru’s IT sector, paving the way for the city’s emergence as India’s Silicon Valley.
This transformation drew international attention and earned him accolades, but it also made him a target of criticism. Political rivals accused him of neglecting rural Karnataka, dubbing him the “Chief Minister of Bengaluru.” His tenure faced controversies, including the Abdul Karim Telgi scam, land disputes, and mismanagement during the Rajkumar kidnapping crisis.
Despite his achievements, Krishna’s influence waned in the 2000s. Losing his stronghold in Mandya and facing deteriorating relations with Congress leadership, he resigned as External Affairs Minister in 2012.
He briefly returned to campaign for Congress in the 2014 elections but switched to the BJP in 2017, citing loss of respect within Congress. Even in BJP, his advancing age limited his political activity.
Krishna’s personal life faced challenges, particularly after the tragic death of his son-in-law, Cafe Coffee Day founder V.G. Siddhartha, in 2019. Despite stepping back from active politics in 2023, his contributions were recognized with the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian honor.
Krishna’s legacy is a blend of visionary leadership, controversies, and a commitment to progress. His focus on modernizing Bengaluru remains a significant part of his political narrative, inspiring future leaders in Karnataka.