January 31, 2025

NFR taking steps for improving track safety

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Track is the most vital part of train operation which is also prone to damage and sabotage.

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Guwahati, Oct.23 (HS):. Indian Railways has undertaken the task of beautification of stations and cleanliness in railway premises as well as on trains in a mission mode; but ensuring safe running of trains is the top priority for Indian Railways. Hence, proper upkeep of railway track is of paramount importance.
Track is the most vital part of train operation which is also prone to damage and sabotage. With the demand for more and more trains to and from various parts of the country alongwith increase in cargo carrying trains; the railway track has to bear more loads leading to more deterioration which need increased maintenance efforts and replacement of rack components. NFR is ensuring that railway track gets the required attention by undertaking various planned track renewal works.
In this regard rail has been changed in 96 Km, sleeper changed in 14.75 Km, sleeper density increased in 65 Km, track fittings renewed in 122 Km, 92 nos turnout track renewal, ballast renewal in 49 Km etc has been carried out from April to September in 2019 by NFR. An amount of Rs 176.56 crs has been utilized for safety of tracks in NFR during this period. For monitoring of health of track and to prevent rail fractures, which is one of the reasons of train derailments, USFD (Ultrasonic Flaw Detection) testing is vigorously carried out in railway tracks. During April to September of 2019, USFD testing of over 9039.37 kms of track was done against a target of 7000 Kms and USFD testing overdue of welds are also reduced from 14000 welds to 1646 welds in NFR. For improving the quality of on-site welding of rails, 13 seminars are also conducted by NFR during this period and a scheme has been started to award two best welders every month to encourage good workmanship.
It can be mentioned here that, NFR is also using various track mounted machines in all divisions to screen ballast, changing of track sleepers and tamping of tracks etc. to achieve safer and smoother running of trains over its jurisdiction.