JNTU offering 22 UG programmes and around 60 PG programmes

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Telangan: Hyderabad: July 16 (HS) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad is premier Technical University in the state of Telangana. It is offering more than 22 UG programmes and around 60 PG programmes in four constituent and around 160 affiliated colleges. It has taken initiative in offering new PG programmes in the areas of Data Science and Cyber security and in UG programmes of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and Computer Science & Business Systems in tune with industrial demand. The University is always been striving for improving the quality of technical education and also imparting entrepreneur and innovative skills to the students. In this endeavour the University has taken major step of signing MoU with NSCI-TSC to provide internships, training programmes to the students.

The MoU is signed by Prof. A. Venugopal Reddy, Vice-Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) and A. B. Prabhu Raj, General Manager and Regional Head, National Small Industries Corporation -Technical Services centre, (NSIC-TSC) Hyderabad in the presence of G. Jagadish Reddy,  Hon’ble Minister for Education, Prof N Yadaiah, Registrar, JNTU Hyderabad, Prof Ch. Venkataramana Reddy, Director UIIC, JNTUH on July 15th, 2019.

The MoU is an important initiative through which NSIC-TSC provides Skill Development & Job oriented Technical Trainings in the field of Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical, Computer science, Information Technology. NSIC-TSC provides training to the JNTUH students to improve their employability, by sharpening their business communication skills, quantitative aptitude and data interpretation, soft skills, programming skills, reasoning and the like.

The National Small Industries Corporation -Technical Services centre, (NSIC-TSC) Hyderabad is a Govt. of India Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. NSIC-TSC provides services in various Technical areas thus helping the MSME industries by providing Skill Manpower, common facilities services. NSIC offers conventional to Hi-skill Trainings to learners to nurture them for employment and self-employment opportunities to the Un-Employed youth. The NSIC-TSC provides Skill Development & Job Oriented Technical Trainings in the field of Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical, Computer science, Information Technology for ITI, Diploma, B.Tech, MCA, MSC, MTech students through short term skill Training Programs and tailor made courses  with duration of 15 days, One Month, three Months to 6 Months, In-plant Training, Mini Project, Industrial Trainings & Final year projects. The Centre has well equipped Laboratories, Latest Software’s, Internet Facility, good infra structure faculties and all labs are setup with latest and sophisticated equipment’s/machine to meet current Technological requirements.

The main objective of this MoU is to provide opportunity to engineering students to impose their skills through the internships, projects and tailor-made training programmes in the core areas engineering. The MoU also is to facilitate placements to the trainees to meet the industry manpower requirement.