Israel strikes Syria 480 times, seizes land as Netanyahu promises middle east transformation

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Israel has launched intensive airstrikes on Syria, targeting military facilities and weapon stockpiles. In just two days, Israeli forces carried out about 480 strikes, including hits on airfields, anti-aircraft batteries, missiles, and weapon production sites across Syria. Israel’s Defense Minister Israel Katz hailed the operation as a success, claiming the Israeli navy also destroyed Syria’s fleet. These strikes are part of Israel’s broader strategy following the collapse of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, which Israeli officials see as a victory over Assad’s allies, including Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has emphasized that the fall of Assad’s regime marks a “new and dramatic chapter” in Middle Eastern geopolitics. However, Israeli officials are concerned about the potential rise of radical Islamists in Syria. As a result, they are taking steps to prevent chemical weapons and long-range missiles from falling into the wrong hands.

Meanwhile, Israel has deployed ground troops beyond the previously established demilitarized buffer zone, capturing strategic locations like Mount Hermon, which borders Syria, Lebanon, and the Golan Heights. Although Israel insists it is not interfering with Syria’s internal events, the Arab League and Egypt have accused Israel of exploiting Syria’s instability to seize territory. Israeli officials maintain that their military presence aims to secure a zone free of heavy weapons and terrorist infrastructure.

As tensions rise, the situation remains volatile, with Israeli forces asserting their actions are a necessary step to protect their security and prevent further threats.