IMF approves 6 billion dollar loan for Pakistan

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Lahore, July 4(HS): The International Monetary Fund (IMF) a six billion dollar loan to Pakistan facing financial crisis. This loan has been sanctioned to bring the weak economy of Pakistan and to improve the life situation of the people. After assuming office of Imran Khan’s government, the Finance Ministry of Pakistan, in connection with the bailout package, contacted the IMF in August 2018.
IMF Executive Board Gerry Rice approved today a three-year US$6 billion loan to support  Pakistan’s economic plan, which aims to return sustainable growth to the country’s economy and improve the standards of living.
Tweeted Wednesday that the IMF executive board has approved a loan of six billion dollars for three years to help Pakistan’s economic plan. This loan has been given to cure the economy of the country and to improve the life situation.
The IMF said in a statement, “The purpose of this program is to support the strategy of the authorities to reduce domestic and external imbalances, improve business environment, strengthen institutions, increase transparency and strengthen social spending” .