Donald Trump says to women Democratic MPs to go back to her own countries

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Washington/New Delhi, July 15 (HS): American President Donald Trump has made racial remarks on four Democrat women MPs. Trump said that four Congresswomen should go back to the “broken and crime infested” countries they came from.

Trump termed these women MPs as Progressive Democrat Congressmenhood in his tweets .They include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.  These four women have become a member of Congress (American Parliament) for the first time.

Mr Trump said in tweeet that , “So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world.

According to reports, Trump has already made racial remarks. Last year, he said that the African countries were nonsense.,Once Trump had also said that former President Barack Obama was not born on American soil, he is not legally entitled to be president. The presidential election is to be held in the United States in 2020.

According to Trump, from the countries where these women MPs hail, there is a crisis on the governments. They are accused of corruption (on governments). They (governments) have been disqualified everywhere in the world. Women MPs are provoking American people. While our country is the greatest and powerful on earth.

Trump also said , “Why do not they (MPs) return to their own country? They should help to completely eliminate their government. They should see reality by going to the riot-affected areas. After this he will come to America and tell how he did all this. ”

Senator Kamala Harris tweeted,”It is absolutely racist and un-American. And it is an old trope, ‘go back to where you came from,’ that you might here on the street, but you should never hear that from the president of the United States.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Trump wants to “make America white again.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, after jousting for days with Pelosi, said Trump “can’t conceive of an America that includes us.”

Ilhan Omar said ,Mr. President, as Members of Congress, the only country we swear an oath to is the United States.

That is why we are fighting to protect it from the worst, most corrupt and inept president we have ever seen, he said further.