Different stroke: Karnataka political crisis deepens,Congress-JDS combine poses big challenge

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Different stroke: Karnataka political crisis deepens,Congress-JDS combine  poses  big challenge

New Delhi,July 19 (HS)The Congress-JDS combined has created an extraordinary situation in Karnataka and posed a big challenge to the ruling BJP at the Centre.It will have to look for available options and find a solution.Otherwise, it may become a trend and the Congress which is living on crutches in two Hindi heartlands may play a similar trick to remain in power.

Whether it is unparallel or not,it is undesirable and injurious to the health of democracy.From available accounts it appears that the coalition government has been reduced to minority.But these two ruling parties neither will accept it nor go for the floor test to prove its point.

They are applying one trick after another to buy time in the hope that the rebels will change their mind and come back to them.It appears to be a remote possibility but they are still carrying hope.

The situation is extraordinary because neither are these parties ready to go by the advice of the governor nor any one else.The Supreme Court had given a hint that it was in favour of an  early end of the crisis.It had asked the Speaker not to wait any longer and meet the rebel the next day.

They would not care.Reports reaching here on Friday evening  said they have gone to the Court and raised two issues– governor’s letters to chief minister fixing deadlines for floor test and Court’s order granting freedom to rebels to remain absent from  the House.It may be also aimed at delaying decision.

They have pointed out that  the apex court had held as unconstitutional the decision of Arunachal Pradesh governor JP Rajkhowa to advance the floor test in 2016.The same rule should apply in Karnataka.

Floor test is the only test to prove majority.The Court has said time and  again after the Bommai case ( S R Bommai,previous Karnataka CM).But it cannot be delayed indefinitely as they are trying to do,

There was an  unmatched  marriage between the two,to just keep the BJP at bay.The two had fought the last Assembly election separately had nothing common except the desire to grab power.

Only the BSP and the JDS had entered into an agreement before the Assembly elections.If the former supported the JDS it was only to be expected.It was fair and logical.

The Congress-JDS alliance was not so.The two parties had fought bitterly against each other especially in Bengaluru-Mysore region where the JDS has a strong presence.

Because of this and good show put by the BJP the Congress emerged poor second  in 2018.It seat share came down to 78 from 122 in the previous (2008) poll.The JDS  had won only 37 seats with the swing down by 1.9 per cent.

The BJP,on the other hand,which had not done so well in 2013 emerged as the largest single party in the state winning 104 seats( out of the total 222 as elections in two constituencies were not held).

The people’s mandate was clearly in favour of the BJP though it could not get a majority due to the caste card played by the Congress in a big way there that year.

The JDS or any other outfit was expected in the situation to back the  BJP and go with the voters’ choice.The JDS had formed government with the BJP in the past in the state and,therefore,it was not a big deal.

But it was not to be.The Congress which was the largest party after the BJP fell low and offered  the chief ministerial post to the JDS which it did not deserve.

Nothing could be more pleasing  to the JDS and,so,it grabbed the opportunity and joined hands.This alliance was unprincipled and unholy–just  because of lust for power and hatred for the BJP.

The best thing to do in the circumstances was to submit resignation and allow the BJP to form a new government.If it did not have the ability and support the party government would have subsequently  fallen due to its own weight.

They would have earned a name and done the state proud.Much  of the embarrassment could  be avoided.The Supreme Court and other agencies involved would have gainfully used its time to some other pending works.

It has,however,one positive.The Congress which has already taken exception to its interim order may challenge its final order if it is in favour of the rebels.So far the Court has maintained that a member cannot be forced to  attend the House and vote as per the wish of the party.In other words,the whip is not binding on him.Defiance of whip is one of  reasons for disqualification of a member  under the anti-defection law.

The Court has already declared that both the ninth and tenth schedules of the Constitution are subject to judicial review.If it makes a distinction between voluntary resignation from the Assembly and from the Party,it will be a new development.

Karnataka battle,therefore,is significant for more reasons than one.