January 31, 2025

Continued effort: Punctuality Performance of Indian Railways improved

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The punctuality performance percentage of the Passenger Trains of Indian Railways for the period of April to September in the financial year 2019-20 improved to 70.54% in comparison to 66.58% from April to September in the financial year 2018-19.

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New Delhi, Oct 24 (HS): Indian Railways is continuously working for the improvement of the punctuality of the trains. With its continued effort, Indian Railways has succeeded in improving the Punctuality Performance in 2019-20 in comparison to 2018-19. The average of punctuality performance percentage from April to September in the financial year 2019-20 of Mail/Express trains has improved to 74.21% in comparison to 67.05% from April to September in the financial year 2018-19.

The punctuality performance percentage of the Passenger Trains of Indian Railways for the period of April to September in the financial year 2019-20 improved to 70.54% in comparison to 66.58% from April to September in the financial year 2018-19.

In order to improve the punctuality, Railways has taken numerous steps including:

Rigorous monitoring at Divisional, Zonal and Railway Board levels.

Removal of infrastructure bottlenecks in a planned manner.

Integrated Mega Blocks are planned in such a way that all asset maintenance departments can do their work simultaneously.

End to end running of some trains with diesel locomotives to avoid detention on account of loco changing from diesel to electric.

Conversion of conventional rakes of Mail/Express trains (Integral Coach Factory rakes) into LHB (Linke Hofmann Busch) rakes.

Rationalization of Time Table in order to make a group of similar speed trains.

Curtailment of stoppage time at major terminals.

Commissioning of 1st phase of Dedicated Freight Corridor.

High capacity water pumps at watering stations to minimize detention on this account.

Provision of Bye-pass stations to avoid engine reversal etc.

Also, for attaining accuracy in punctuality data, the timing of arrival and departures are prominently being captured automatically through data-loggers. It is being monitored through dashboards – called “Rail Drishti” at highest level to promote punctuality.