October 6, 2024

BJP Hails Assamese Recognition as Classical Language as Major Milestone

Barua credited PM Narendra Modi and Assam Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma for their political efforts in securing this recognition.

Barua credited PM Narendra Modi and Assam Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma for their political efforts in securing this recognition.

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BJP Chief Spokesperson Manoj Barua announced that the centuries-old effort to recognize Assamese as a classical language has achieved a historic success. Speaking at a press conference at the party headquarters in Guwahati on Friday, Barua emphasized the importance of this recognition for Assamese culture and identity.

He said, “Recognition of Assamese as a classical language is a significant achievement in our ethnic history. Generations have worked towards the preservation and promotion of this language.” Barua expressed gratitude to all those involved in the language’s development, including the Assam Sahitya Sabha, Assam Prakashan Parishad, researchers, and linguists.

Barua credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Assam Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma for their political efforts in securing this recognition. He acknowledged their true commitment, stating, “This recognition is possible due to the credibility of Prime Minister Modi and the special initiative of Chief Minister Sarma.”

On behalf of the BJP, Assam Pradesh, Barua extended congratulations to all sections of Assamese society, thanking everyone who contributed to this historic achievement.