American companies showing more interest in India
New Delhi,May 11(HS)A good new for the country.Many Americans holding China responsible for large-scale Coroavirus cases in their country and outside want to change location.They want to shift their production units from that country to India.Some of them want to invest more in Indian companies.
Three American giants, Facebook, Silver Lake and Vista have already invested heavily in an Indian company,Jio.
The Facebook was the firsts.It was followed by Silver Lake and Vista in the same order.The latter has 2.32 per cent stake in Mukesh Ambani’s company.
Now, a government official claims that another American leader,Apple,may invest 40 billion dollars in India in five years.It wants to shift some of the units from China.
Now, a government official claims that another American leader,Apple,may invest 40 billion dollars in India in five years.It wants to shift some of the production units from the “virus spreader”.