Aero India 2021 A Game Changer for MSME

Bengaluru, 28 January(HS): The preparations for the 13th Edition of internationally acclaimed Aero India 2021 scheduled from Feb 3rd to 5th at Yelahanka Airforce Station in Bengaluru is in full swing.
A very rare event of such high tech Civilian Military, Defence Verticals of Aviation the event has undergone a paradigm shift. Covid 19 has changed the way the world has operated in all spheres of life. More so in the economy of the world.
Under such circumstances, it’s a herculean task for the Aero India 2021 team to live up to the legacy of the preceding Aero India editions.
“Fortune favours the brave” is an old adage. This holds true to the spirit of the Organising Team of the Aero India 2021 event. Adapting to the change in scenario the event is designed to be unique and Hybrid in the presentation.
World-class, high tech in nature, both Physical and Virtual Event schedules of AI 2021 is a testimony of Innovation, Ease of Doing Business EODB and an absolute data mine for Aviation Enthusiasts, Business fraternity and Netizens across the globe.
For the lucky ones who make it to the Air force Station at Yelahanka between 3rd Feb and 5th Feb 2021 to watch the steel birds soar the skies, it promises to be spectacular as well as thrilling. For the one’s who can’t, the cutting edge technology of the Virtual Event is no less.
Designed to the minutest details about the entire flow of events, conferences, B2B meetings and Media interaction cutting across the time zones of the globe is the real spin of the event in Connecting and communicating with rest of the world.
Apart from being a showcase of Indian Aero Space, Defence, Civil, Military capabilities the event is a perfect platform for networking with the startups at the global arena. Make in India, Atma Nirbhar Bharath has synergized the Indian spirit of self-reliance for defence production.
While the Heavy Large Scale Organized Industrial Sector is on sound footing the challenge, future in Defence Production largely hangs on the Micro Small Medium Enterprises MSME. With abundant opportunities and scope for reaching new frontiers, it’s the time for MSMEs to seize the opportunity. And Aero India 2021 is the perfect platform for A vibrant Self Reliant India of the millennial World.