Academic Council of AU takes important decisions

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PRAYAGRAJ, Feb 19 (HS): The Academic Council, the highest academic body, of University of Allahabad met on Friday in the conference hall of the Law Faculty under the Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor.  The Academic Council dwelled at length on the path for the implementation of the National Education Policy at University of Allahabad. A power point presentation detailing the vision of University of Allahabad was made by the Dean, Research and Development. Based on the guidelines of the National Education Policy, the University looks forward to switching over to four year undergraduate course. The proposed course will have innovative courses some of which will be compulsory and some optional. More emphasis in the new course structure has been laid on flexibility which can encourage multidisciplinary studies. Skill development courses focusing on music, sports, environment, disaster management and climate change have been proposed.Under the National Education Policy, the University intends to start courses in Languages which will include foreign languages as well as Indian Languages. There is also a proposal to start computer application course for all undergraduate students keeping in view the importance of computer application in the COVID era and online teaching. In a significant development the Academic Council also deliberated upon creation of Schools under Liberal Arts, Linguistics and Environmental Sciences. The departments have been asked to prepare the plans for their individual courses at the undergraduate level based on the vision  document.  A subsequent meeting will be organized to discuss the the process. Several important decisions were taken by the council including revision of courses in Law faculty, Appointment of Examiners, and institution of Justice (retd) Sudhir Narain Gold Medal for the topper in BA LL. B. 5 year course and S P Gupta Gold Medal for toppers of 3 year LL B course, 5 year BA LL B course, subject of constitutional law in 3 year LL B course and subject of constitutional law in 5 year BA LLB course in Dept of Law University of Allahabad. It was also discussed that a committee under the chairmanship of Dean Faculty of Arts Professor Herambh Chaturvedi constituting of Professor Shanti Sundaram and Professor AR Siddiqui will be formed to look into the modalities for encouraging foreign students to join the University in various courses and boosting the presence of students from across the world to make it into a more cosmopolitan campus.