January 9, 2025

Qurantined air passengers discharged :Unhygienic conditions at centre listed as reason

final sosial observer
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Hyderabad(Telangana) 21 March(HS): According to State health department 11 quarantine centres have been set up in Rangareddy district to isolate international travellers arriving at RGI Airport, but none of them is put to use if figures released are to be believed.
1,300 international travellers, who were quarantined at nine quarantine centres in the district, were released by government authorities after they ‘self-declared’ that they would home-quarantine themselves.
The travellers were stamped with the end date of their home-quarantine period. Thus if they are found to flout the advisory, they will be quarantined again say with confidence.
Meanwhile over  300 passengers who landed in the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport from UAE and other Gulf nations were released from quarantine yesterday after they protested unhygienic conditions at the Rajendranagar centre.
They were released with ink stamped on their hands reading- “TS Home Quarantine Till 2-4-2019”.Yesterday quarantined travellers staged a hunger strike and blocked food vans from entering the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management till their demands were met.
They allege that mosquitoes, bed bugs, mattresses,non-functional toilet flushes, lack of ACs, no western commodes,  were among the list of demands that desired attention of authorities.
With quarantined passengers not yielding the district administration had not much to do but to discharge them from centre with self-declaration of remaining in isolation till notified.